
How to set up Bixby and Alexa on your 2022 Samsung TV

How to set up upward Bixby and Alexa on your 2020 Samsung Television

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV
(Image credit: Tom'southward Guide)

Samsung smart TVs in 2020 come with two options for vocalisation assistants: Samsung's Bixby or Amazon Alexa. Both allow you control some functions of the TV with your vox. You can also command other smart devices in your business firm, equally well as go other information like the weather condition forecast. Enabling the voice assistant merely takes a few steps. Once y'all've got it running, you'll save time and clicks on the remote by merely proverb what you lot want.

Whether y'all want to employ Samsung'southward Bixby or setup your Samsung Idiot box with Alexa, hither's how to set upwards a voice assistant on your Samsung smart Television receiver.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom'due south Guide)

Go to Settings > General > Voice. Information technology will inquire you lot if y'all want to set up the voice assistant. Click OK.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

2. Select a voice assistant

You can choose between Samsung's Bixby and Amazon Alexa. Both work well with Samsung TVs — your preference may take more than to exercise with whether you have other Alexa devices in your home. Yous can utilise either to switch channels or inputs, alter some settings, play music and more.

three. Setting upward Bixby

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Paradigm credit: Tom's Guide)

If you lot want to stick with Samsung'southward proprietary voice banana, hither'southward how to ready Bixby on your Samsung TV. Choose Bixby every bit your vocalization assistant.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

4. Agree to terms and conditions

You have to agree to the terms and conditions before yous can use the voice assistant. If you don't agree, it will return yous to what you were watching earlier yous started the procedure.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Paradigm credit: Tom's Guide)

5. Train Bixby to recollect your voice

Printing the microphone button on the remote and say what you see onscreen. Yous'll say, "Hi Bixby," "Sign in to my account," "Sign in to Samsung account," and "Switch to my account with my vocalism." Afterward you lot say each phrase, release the button on the remote.

When y'all consummate the process, you can adjust your vocalization ID later by going to Settings > General > Phonation > Bixby Profile Settings.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom'due south Guide)

To find out what Bixby can do (and the right way to say prompts), visit the Explore Bixby menu. Information technology breaks commands down into groups such as Device Control, Music Streaming and SmartThings.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

seven. Change Bixby settings

Go to Settings > Full general > Vocalism or say "Modify Bixby settings" to adjust the language, Bixby's vox (there are iv voices to cull from), sound feedback and privacy settings.

8. Setting upwardly Amazon Alexa

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom'south Guide)

If you want to setup your Samsung TV with Alexa, you'll demand to connect your TV with your Amazon account. To start, choose Alexa as your voice assistant.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Scan the QR code on your telephone or become to amazon/com/usa/lawmaking on your telephone or reckoner and enter the code on the screen. Log in to your business relationship and the Samsung Television will exist linked to your Alexa account.

How to set up Bixby and Alexa on Samsung TV

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

ten. Explore commands and adjust language

Go to Settings > General > Vocalisation and choose Alexa Settings. You tin can learn nigh commands you tin utilise to command your Tv and Alexa. You can also pick a different language. But for more Alexa settings, you'll demand to open the Alexa app on your telephone. Interestingly, you tin can't admission Alexa settings on the TV by using your vocalism; you get a message telling you to open the app on your phone.

Whether you opted to setup Bixby or Amazon Alexa, you're at present ready to utilise the voice assistant on your Samsung smart TV.

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Michael Gowan covers soundbars, TVs, portable speakers and other audio- and video-related topics for Tom'southward Guide. He's written about music and engineering science for more than xx years for a raft of publications including Wired, Men's Periodical, PC World and Macworld. When he'southward not reviewing speakers, he'southward probably listening to i anyhow.


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